Oral Health Warnings Not To Ignore
When you are between appointments at our office, it is important to be mindful of your oral health. Be sure to visually inspect your teeth and gums for a sign or problem. A dental emergency or issue is never fun, but thankfully, our teeth often give a warning sign that there is a problem that needs to be checked in our office. These are some signs to be mindful of:
Tooth Sensitivity
If you notice that your teeth are extremely sensitive to hot and cold foods, you may have a problem with your tooth enamel, such as decay. If you recently had dental treatment completed, you may be experiencing sensitivity as a result.
Changes to Your Bite
Between appointments, it is important to be mindful of any changes to your teeth or bite. When you are brushing and flossing, be sure to regularly inspect your teeth for any signs of cracks, chips, or problem areas. If you notice your bite has changed or feels uncomfortable, it is important to contact us for an appointment.
Bleeding Gums
If you experience bleeding gums from time to time if food is stuck between your teeth, that does not mean you have a problem; however, if you experience bleeding gums daily, it is cause for concern. The first step is to evaluate the manner in which you brush and floss your teeth. If you are too rough, you may be causing trauma to your gums. You may also be suffering from gum disease.
Frequent Bad Breath
We all experience bad breath from time to time, especially after eating certain foods. If you notice that you have bad breath frequently, you may have a problem with your oral health, such as tooth decay or gum disease.
If you experience any of the warnings mentioned above, be sure to contact our office located in Houston, TX to schedule an appointment. The sooner we can see you, the better chance you have of avoiding a serious dental emergency.