What’s The Most Natural-Looking Tooth Replacement Option?
Have you recently experienced tooth loss and are trying to determine which course of action you should take? We know that choosing a tooth replacement option can be difficult, and if you spoke with us already, we most likely made a recommendation for a treatment to replace your missing tooth or teeth. We typically recommend dental implants for many of our patients who need to replace a tooth. Read on to learn why it is our favorite tooth replacement option.
Why Should You Consider Getting Implants?
Dealing with tooth loss, severe decay, and other dental issues is not easy. Patients often feel self-conscious about the appearance of their teeth and, many times, have difficulty eating, chewing, and swallowing. Some patients also notice a change in their speech patterns as well. We hate that our patients experience so much turmoil in their daily life over issues with their oral health. We want our patients to have the most success they can with the tooth replacement option they choose. Dental implants closely mimic the look and function of natural teeth. We encourage patients to choose dental implants as soon as possible to avoid some of the complications that can arise from prolonged tooth loss such as shifting teeth and a deteriorating jawbone.
Change Your Life
We know that making the decision to move forward with dental implants can be difficult. We want to assure you that we have countless patients who are thrilled with the final results of their implants and wish they made the decision to start the treatment process sooner. It is a wonderful feeling to be free of discomfort and able to enjoy your teeth again. Many of our patients also love the added perk that the teeth that have implants will never experience dental decay.
If you are interested in learning more about dental implants or you are ready to start your tooth replacement journey, contact our office located in Houston, TX to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you through the journey of regaining a functioning smile.