Are You Prepared For A Dental Emergency?

We are so excited that June has arrived and the official start of summer is coming soon. Summer is such an exciting time, full of vacations, day trips, swimming, and fun with family and friends. While we hope you have the best summer ever, we know that a dental emergency can occur at any time. We know it’s not fun to learn about dental emergencies, but we feel it is important to know what to do should a problem arise. Read on to learn more important information about dental emergencies.

Do Not Ignore A Cracked Tooth

A common dental emergency that we see in our office is a cracked tooth. When teeth are extremely worn, from persistent grinding for example, they can crack under the constant pressure. During routine hygiene examinations, we check your teeth for imperfections and problems with the enamel. Most of our patients visit us infrequently during the year, so it is important that they regularly check and feel their teeth for imperfections as well. When you check your teeth regularly, you are often able to spot a problem, such as a cracked tooth.

Preventing A Dental Emergency Is Easier Than You Think

When was the last time you visited our office for a routine hygiene examination and cleaning? Has it been so long that you are having a difficult time remembering? Even if you take excellent care of your teeth, we recommend that every patient, no matter their age, visit our office regularly for a hygiene examination and cleaning. During these appointments, we are ensuring there is nothing troubling affecting your oral health. Continue reading to learn why routine appointments are so important.